about briana

erotic enthusiast

The erotic is powerful because it is a space where we can do so much; learn, be challenged, evolve, communicate, explore our corporal bodies, power dynamics, emotional patterning and conditioning, fantasy, play, creativity and unlimited possibility. 

Over the past 13 years, I've devoted more than 12,000 hours to serving hundreds of clients. I started my journey in 2010 as a Pilates and Breathwork instructor. Initially, clients hired me to help them lose weight, get flat abs or recover from injuries; understandable and achievable goals. But after a while I couldn't deny a pattern I was seeing again and again.

As I got to know my clients, I would learn that usually something bigger was going on – something flat abs wasn't going to fix. Gradually, I shifted my focus from physical to emotional well-being. My diverse group of clients includes Fortune 500 CEOs, Academy Award-winning producers, many mothers, artists, widows and young women from all walks of life. Additionally, I have partnered with many corporate clients, including Spotify, Caravan Wellness, Spring Studios, and more.

In 2020, I stepped back and reduced my client load. I took this time to relocate, pursue other interests, and become a mom (plus a divorce and, ya know, COVID). This was a formative, special, and emotional time. Since then, many things have drawn me back to working with more clients again – to be honest, I was reluctant at first, but I return with renewed purpose and focus on supporting and activating erotic potential.

My journey with sexuality has taken me from googling, "Am I asexual?" to finding more pleasure than I knew was physically, spiritually, emotionally, or energetically possible. I've embraced my right to full-spectrum aliveness, connection, and intimacy, and there's no turning back.

I find the most gratifying work in working one-on-one with clients. I cherish the opportunity to connect intimately heart-to-heart, from a place of mutual vulnerability, and watch transformation unfold from a place beyond constructed identity.

There is a part of you that has never been harmed, scared, inadequate, alone, or unloved – and never will be. My ultimate aim is to help you remember and live from that place.

I’m glad you’re here and grateful for the opportunity to serve you.

I am a sex, self-love, and intimacy coach focused on supporting clients on their journey of shameless self-discovery and building lives with more ecstasy, ease, and connection. 

The story


I help women who have lost their spark, embrace the erotic as an antidote to frustration, burnout & anxiety. 

Fun facts

I am a VITA sex, love, and relationship coach, and have studied human sexuality and the science of emotions at Stanford University and the Modern Sex Therapy Institute.

I hold an M.A. in Cultural Food Studies from NYU and was an adjunct professor in the undergraduate program.

I am an angel investor focusing on funding women in tech and also mentor young women entering the blockchain space.

I have been studying under my teachers, Joe & Tara of AOA , since 2018.

I live in Spain with my son and dog-daughter. 

MY babies

shameless expression & YUMMY SEX!

Awe & Nature

delicious food
with loved ones

Connection & Intimacy

Solo Quiet Time 

what brings me pleasure


– nisa s.

– Lauren k.

“Wow, is all I can say. I felt that I had a larger breakthrough in one session with Briana than weeks or months of therapy. Briana has a gift for being able to see people at their deep cores and hold a healing, open space for them to better understand themselves. I highly recommend working with Briana, her energy is gentle and healing and her guidance is strong and knowing. Anyone open to the work would greatly benefit from even just one session with her.” 

"I was with my friend, Erin, in New Mexico last week and she mentioned several times how your workshop was such a shift for her. You really helped her work through some issues with her family and prioritize herself. Just wanted to make sure you knew how powerful the work you are doing is to your clients. Thank you."

Path to Pleasure


– Erin p.

My sessions with Briana came at a time where I needed it most. She was able to hold precious space virtually & her presence was so inviting. She made me feel comfortable as I was moving through very uncomfortable feelings and challenges. I really honor the session that Briana facilitated - she was knowledgeable, intuitive, and helped me bring some really important insights to the surface. I felt it was safe for me to go into deep pains as she suggested helpful practices to move through them and I plan to use her suggested tools going forward. I highly recommend booking a session with Briana, especially if you are looking to step into your own power but feel there are some inner wounds holding you back. I am truly grateful for the experience.”

Path to Pleasure


– brigette D.

– LaurA C.

I left the session with sudden clarity on how I wanted to refocus my business and shift my life. That feeling of joy and strength stayed with me throughout the week. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reminder of how amazing they truly are. Thank you, Briana, for creating that sacred space!”

“My system is still recharging in a way but I can feel that the session moved a lot of things in a good direction. The experience was intense and brought a lot of hidden emotions to the surface. I am super grateful, even if I was dealing with a lot of scary emotions and feelings, it felt needed and absolutely right. Ever since I feel lighter and more aware of what I need to deal with in my daily life.”

Path to Pleasure


– Dana L.

“I found Briana to be a welcoming, warm, and very competent guide. The questions she asked were powerful right from the beginning, and in our time together, I felt more clarity than I have from nearly a year of sessions with a licensed counselor. She created a container in which I felt safe and seen. She also offered tangible tools for me to use moving forward, which I felt directly addressed the issues that came to the surface during our session. I definitely recommend reaching out to her if you're feeling stuck or confused!” 

Path to Pleasure


– jill D.

– Lindsey H.

"I felt like I tapped into my innate strength and leadership abilities and also in the days that followed began to release a lot of pent-up grief. Briana makes the atmosphere safe and fun and intellectually stimulating, all of which are equally important to me. She is a gifted teacher."

"Briana does an amazing job creating space. I felt so comfortable and open with her, and felt she could be trusted with deep fears and insecurities. The safe space she created was so healing for self acceptance and I truly appreciated every minute. Thank you for the opportunity for self discovery and love!" 

Path to Pleasure


The average person has up to 60,000 thoughts per day - 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive.

No wonder so many of us are exhausted or don’t have clarity because our minds are going non-stop… We can’t think with all that thinking, and we can’t change these thoughts by doing more thinking, yikes!

In this mindset class we learn why and how working with our internal narratives is the first step towards erotic self-care, plus do two quick exercises to start developing your mastery. 

Erotic Self-Care Mini-Class

Mindset Mastery